The source code for ImageJ is freely available from the NIH.
Downloadable distributions are available for Microsoft Windows, the classic Mac OS, macOS, Linux, and the Sharp Zaurus PDA. ImageJ can be run as an online applet, a downloadable application, or on any computer with a Java 5 or later virtual machine. ImageJ's plugin architecture and built-in development environment has made it a popular platform for teaching image processing. User-written plugins make it possible to solve many image processing and analysis problems, from three-dimensional live-cell imaging to radiological image processing, multiple imaging system data comparisons to automated hematology systems. Custom acquisition, analysis and processing plugins can be developed using ImageJ's built-in editor and a Java compiler. ImageJ was designed with an open architecture that provides extensibility via Java plugins and recordable macros. Its first version, ImageJ 1.x, is developed in the public domain, while ImageJ2 and the related projects SciJava, ImgLib2, and SCIFIO are licensed with a permissive BSD-2 license. (2002) Improvement in perioperative outcome after hepatic resection: analysis of 1,803 consecutive cases over the past decade.ImageJ is a Java-based image processing program developed at the National Institutes of Health and the Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation (LOCI, University of Wisconsin). Most likely the discrepancy between volume and weight results from exsanguination of the liver after resection. This application brings CT volumetry to the surgeon's desktop at no expense and is particularly useful in cases of tertiary referred patients, who already have a proper CT scan on CD-ROM from the referring institution. ImageJ can be used for accurate hepatic CT volumetry on a personal computer. The weight/volume ratio amounted to 0.88 +/- 0.04 (standard error) and was in agreement with our earlier findings using CT-linked radiologic software. There was an excellent correlation between the volumes calculated with ImageJ and the actual measured weights of the resection specimens (r(2) = 0.98, p < 0.0001). Volumes of virtual liver resection specimens measured with ImageJ were compared with specimen weights and calculated volumes obtained during pathology examination after resection. The area of each selected region, metastasis, resection specimen, and remnant liver was multiplied by the slice thickness to calculate volume. Scans were opened in ImageJ and the liver, all metastases, and the intended parenchymal transection line were manually outlined on each slice. Preoperative CT scans of 15 patients who underwent liver resection for colorectal cancer liver metastases were retrospectively analyzed. We aimed to assess the accuracy of ImageJ for hepatic CT volumetry.
ImageJ is a freely downloadable image analysis software package developed by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and brings liver volumetry to the surgeon's desktop. Unfortunately, this software is expensive and usually requires support by a radiologist. A small remnant liver volume is an important risk factor for posthepatectomy liver failure and can be predicted accurately by computed tomography (CT) volumetry using radiologic image analysis software.